Drama classes are run in the following studios:

(Please note that some classes are full and have a waiting list so please ring or email before turning up)

*Tuesdays at The Brookfield Hall, 550 Brookfield Rd, just past the General Store

Prep – Year 3: 3.30 – 4.30pm
Year 3 – 6: 4.30 – 5.30pm
Year 7 – 12: 5.30 – 6.30pm

*Wednesdays St Mark’s Uniting Church Hall, Corner of Kullaroo St and Waterworks Rd, The Gap

Primary school aged children: 3.30 – 4.30pm

*Thursdays at Chapel Hill Uniting Church Hall, corner of Chapel Hill Rd and Moggill Rd.

Prep – Year 3: 3.30 – 4.30pm
Year 3 – 6: 4.30 – 5.30pm
Year 7 – 12: 5.30 – 6.30pm

Classes are run in line with state school terms, usually consisting of 10 lessons. If the teacher has to cancel a class due to unforeseen circumstances a make up lesson will be offered later in the term where possible.

Term Fees are as follows:

(including GST)

$240 for one student

$470 for two siblings

$700 for three siblings

Fees are due on the first Monday of each term and are payable via direct funds transfer. A late fee of 10% is added if payment is not received in time.

For new students the first lesson is free and the remaining fees are calculated from the following week onwards.

Please note that there are no refunds on term fees. If the class has to be cancelled due to sickness, public holidays or govt imposed lockdowns a make up lesson will be offered later in the term.

Enrol Using Our Online Form

  • “Prue is one of the most patient, caring people I have ever met. Choosing the right mentors for my child is an ongoing task, one that I undertake very seriously. Finding Prue and enrolling my daughter in The Drama Workshop was like finding a rainbow with a pot of gold at the bottom. Prue is like that pot of gold. My child has grown more confident, sensitive to others and speaks clearly with direct eye contact, something that is sorely missing from a lot of today’s young people"

    Cobby (Parent)
  • “Hi Prue. I just wanted to write and thank you for holding your amazing classes for the kids – we regularly discuss this, so I know that the Thursday group feel this too. Every parent regularly makes such similar comments, genuinely we are all grateful for such a great learning space for the kids and your guidance and wonderful positive relationship as their teacher and member of their community and the incredibly fun, creative and inspirational way in which you encourage the kids to grow in their confidence, their creative expression, their emotional intelligence and fostering in them the importance to support and respect one another and the group. Your work with our kids is giving life-tools an helping develop a personal reality for them which is full of potential and possibilities that they believe they can achieve as well as wonderful memories and a love of drama. Thanks Prue, I just think it’s important to share with people when you think they are doing something awesome”

    Kim (Parent)
  • “I love the activities, performing and we are allowed to mix it up. Prue is kind, funny, she loves us like her own. She is very open hearted and helps us when we are down"

    Ada (Student)
  • “The Drama Workshop has had such a positive impact on my daughter Ella’s self confidence. I especially love the positive affirmations she receives. Prue’s drama lesson is what she looks forward to the most. These classes have been the best extra curricular investment we’ve made”      

    Chris (Parent)
  • “What I really enjoy about drama is that you can let that crazy side of you go and no one judges you. You just get to be silly and play games and act. You make lots of close friendships and you all have each other’s backs. You’re judged if you forget a line or forget a certain movement because we all do it and either way we all enjoy it and we care about one another?

    Nadya (Student)
  • “Ben’s drama class is without a doubt the highlight of his week. His self-confidence has grown from the positive and inclusive culture in the class. The thing that makes this class so special to him is learning about scriptwriting, lighting and directing. He is picking up skills for life (posture, projection etc) and having a ball doing it!”

    Fran (Parent)
  • “It is just so free to do whatever we want. It’s not like school drama classes. It’s so much better”

    Oscar (Student)
  • “I love going to drama because I have an amazing teacher”

    Charlie (Student)
  • “My 11 year old daughter thoroughly loves her time at The Drama Workshop and really looks forward to spending time with like minded friends while participating in an interesting array of drama activities. As a parent I love watching her self-confidence grow each week. The positive affirmations re a lovely way to end the class and she always leaves with a big smile on her face”    

    Claire (Parent)
  • “I enjoy playing the drama games. They are really fun”

    Chloe (Student)
Contact Us

If you have any questions please send us an email and we'll get back to you asap.

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