Enrolment Form

To enrol your child or children into our classes please complete and submit the below form. We will be in-touch with you to confirm details as soon as we can.

    Date of Enrolment:

    Child Photography and Video Consent:

    Emergency Medical Consent:

    TERM FEES: Please make payable to 'The Drama Workshop'.
    BSB: 014249
    ACCOUNT: 189375876
    (Please quote the child / children's full name/s and which studio they will attend, either Chapel Hill or The Gap as the reference)

    One Child: $240 / Two Siblings: $470 / Three Siblings: $700 (includes GST)

    How did you hear about The Drama Workshop?

    * Please note that fees are non-refundable. Our charge is a set fee amount for a term, despite how many classes are taken. Credit is not given for cancelled classes. Students are entitled to a make up lesson for missed classes due to sickness, government enforced lockdowns or public holidays.

    Contact Us

    If you have any questions please send us an email and we'll get back to you asap.

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